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Max Ranken

I’m still playing the Luis & Clark violin I bought from you to the exclusion of anything else. Like any violin, having it set up to my personal preference by Cardiff Violins made a big difference (and I still haven’t found strings that suit it better than Helicore). The tone is deep and rich, and it can be loud for a smallish body instrument. The sounds available are great. I guess a professional classical player might look for a wider range of tones, but even they would find it very useful for adverse conditions, and for non classical styles, there’s nothing missing. This fiddle is always ready to go, whatever the weather. I’ve played it inside with high humidity, outside in -2 to 30 C in frost, rain and full sun, and it just works and sounds good whatever the conditions. I even play next to accordionists without fear (but I also have carbon bows).