I went in not expecting to get anything, but just to look because my brother Oliver Wilson-Dickson had found his main working violin in Cardiff Violins for an amazingly low price as the body was hand made in China by the exclusive makers they work with and then altered a bit and set up in the Cardiff Violins workshop… and it was just ridiculously good, so I ended up going, just to have a browse. I, however, fell in love with a ‘Con Fuoco’ violin and ended up getting ultimately a violin and a viola, a ‘Con Fuoco’ violin, and a ‘Con Passione’ viola, and I traded in my old German violin and a Finkle bow and bought a modern China-made much less expensive but such good quality and it allowed me to end up with a fantastic violin and viola! I was amazed at how good the instruments were for the price! And also loved how helpful they were in trying to find me the sound I was looking for. I never thought I would ever own such beautiful sounding instruments without having to win the lottery. I’m really so happy! I am based in London but if I need anything done instrument wise I will always take a trip to Cardiff Violins.