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Trevor Maplestone

In a violin, I look for a working musicians tool. I need an instrument that is clear and resonant. An instrument that rings and responds back to you. I found such an instrument at Cardiff Violins, as a new violin made by Elspeth Rowe. Already designed and set up with no further adjustments necessary. I can project in a performance environment and yet play so incredibly quietly as well. A good violin makes you a better violinist. I recommend Cardiff Violins to my students too. Good instruments do not have to be old or expensive for a student to improve. Students need to be motivated and inspired by the tools they work with. What is important, is a good set up with all the upgraded parts in easy working order, comfortable to play, and a resonant sound. One of my students has bought a new bow from Cardiff Violins and we can’t believe how much it has improved the sound of the violin! Previously, I was asking the student how old the strings were etc. because the violin was sounding a bit mellow and dull, when all along it was the bow. Her two previous bows had felt so soft, soggy and wrong. Amazing result!