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Allegra Gaspardis

I’m Allegra, I come from Italy and I’m 17 years old.

I’ve played the violin since I was 9 years old but there was a moment when I’ve thought that it wasn’t to be my way. I’ve been so lucky to attend for a couple of years the LMFL International Summer music courses in Landovery, in Andorra, and in Cadeillan as well.

So I’ve met my wonderful teacher, prof. Crabtree as well as Arlette Herrenschmidt,  director of the LMFL, both of them,  but Prof. Crabtree in particular, helped me to understand better my potential and what music meant for me.

My professor, last summer,  suggested I try the viola, I was so keen but also a bit afraid of the instrument cause it meant a new beginning and I was feeling a bit blue and frustrated having spent so many years with the violin.

Prof. Crabtree chose the instrument in your store and I was so excited when I received it in Italy before last Christmas. Such a wonderful instrument, the sound is melodious and light as a river’s flow, I feel the warmth and the sweetness of this viola, I really love playing it.

I practice every day and twice a week, through skype I have lessons with my teacher, and I feel the viola almost as a part of me. I think that I didn’t choose this instrument but it did choose me and it has overwhelmed me as well.

When I play it there are good as well as bad moments, and my very patient teacher knows it well, sometimes it’s difficult, I feel like I’m not good enough but then I know that I have my special instrument that helps me fight all my music and life’s difficulties.