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John Senter

When I came back from an orchestral tour of the USA with my cello in pieces, having split as a result of the dry atmosphere, it was to Cardiff Violins that I turned.  Chris and Cecile immediately provided me with a cello to play on for which I was extremely grateful, and after a few weeks I was back in their shop trying many of their cellos, with a view to buying another instrument.  They both showed incredible patience, giving me their undivided attention, as well as several cups of tea!  Eventually, at their suggestion, I brought away a cello by Henry Jay to try for a few weeks, so that I could play it in the orchestra, and see how it felt playing solos.  At first, I wasn’t certain that this was the instrument for me, but as I gradually adjusted to it, I realised that they had seen that this cello would probably suit me before I did.  It now feels almost part of me, and I only wish I had found it 25 years ago!