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Sarah Thomas

For some time, due to various physical problems, I had been struggling with a 16¾” viola. Thanks to the encouragement of a musician friend whom I consulted about this I made an appointment with Cardiff Violins. Being of modest talent and skill, I was rather apprehensive about going, but I needn’t have worried. I was welcomed so warmly and treated throughout with great respect. Cecile took careful note of my needs before producing a number of 15″ and 15½” instruments, each one of which was played by Joe, to show what they could do in the hands of an accomplished player. I finally opted for a 15″ viola, which has made all the difference to my comfort. Not only did Cecile guide me in selecting it (and the chin and shoulder rests most suited to my needs), but she spent time giving me some general health information in addition to her very useful tips about posture and bow hold. A most worthwhile and very personal experience.

Thank you Cecile, Chris and Joe.