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Luis and Clark Violin

There are many benefits to choosing a Luis and Clark carbon-fibre instrument. Carbon-fibre possesses an innate resistance to fluctuations in ambient temperature and humidity, unlike wood which is prone to warp and break… a problem all too familiar amongst musicians who travel with their instruments! There’s little concern in taking a Luis and Clark instrument abroad, nor is a change of bridge necessary with the change of seasons. Carbon-fibre is also very tough, in fact, it’s stronger than steel, resulting in an instrument that’s far less prone to break. Fitted with mechanical “guitar style” pegs, the instruments are both easier to tune and will stay in tune for longer than traditional pegs. And for those wanting to live a more ‘green’ lifestyle, Luis & Clark instruments impact the environment far less than traditional wooden instruments.

The Luis and Clark range was borne of soloist Luis Leguia’s desire to create the ultimate cello for his performances. Frustrated with the lack of projection he could achieve with wooden cellos, it occurred to him that maybe a cello made of carbon-fibre could achieve the enormous resonance and projection he dreamed of, whilst retaining the beautiful sonorous tone of a wooden instrument. Fortunately for the multitude of Luis & Clark owners around the world, he was right! Not only did the instrument produce an astonishing sound, it was also nearly indestructible compared to wooden instruments.

The impeccable quality of Luis & Clark’s instruments isn’t only due to the innovative design, but also the meticulously precise production process. Each instrument is handmade, measured and weighed repeatedly throughout production to ensure consistency and quality. A skilled luthier sets up each instrument traditionally before they leave the workshop.


I really love this instrument… we can play music that is traditional, but actually we are using technology to make it better.
– Yo Yo Ma, Cellist

My Luis and Clark viola is very easy and a pleasure to play in the orchestra, including orchestral solos, producing very rich and powerful sound, complemented by numerous remarks from the audience members.
– Alexander Mishnaevski, Principal Viola, Detroit Symphony Orchestra

My Luis and Clark has much power, depth, and body to the sound, as if it were a much larger viola.  Also it is very easy to play.
– Stefan Maneth, violist of the Württemberg Chamber Orchestra in Heilbronn, Germany

I love my Luis & Clark cello. Its silky finish is a joy to touch and the sound is alive and big. The elegant, modern design is embraced by audiences and the durable materials and construction give me a sense of ease while on difficult touring schedules. My musical life has improved since getting the Luis & Clark cello.
– Erik Friedlander, Composer and Cellist


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