Violin by Thomas Jacques Holder, 1910 - 1920

Violin by Thomas Jacques Holder, 1910 - 1920


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In our opinion, the violin illustrated is an English violin made by the firm of Thomas Jacques Holder & Sons, London, around the period 1910 - 1920. Thomas Jacques Holder (1842 - 1922) was a very influential French maker who developed an antiquing style after coming to England in 1892. His work was highly influential to the Voller brothers, Wulme Hudson  and John Wilkinson, but since he worked mostly as a restorer, his instruments are very scarce, and seldom labelled.

This violin is very competently based on the work of Giovanni Baptista Guadagnini, reflecting his earliest period from 1741 to 1749 when he was active in the city of Piacenza. As a twentieth-century copy it strongly resembles both the work of the Voller Brothers and consciously that of Carlo Bisiach in Milan whose instruments were imported into the London trade at the time.

The violin is almost certainly by Thomas Jacques Holder himself. His Thomas James Holder made some to the same pattern. This suggests that it was made towards the end of the Holder's time in London.

See certificate by Benjamin Hebbert :

Thomas Jacques Holder certificate

In our opinion, the violin illustrated is an English violin made by the firm of Thomas Jacques Holder & Sons, London, around the period 1910 – 1920. Thomas Jacques Holder (1842 – 1922) was a very influential French maker who developed an antiquing style after coming to England in 1892. His work was highly influential to the Voller brothers, Wulme Hudson  and John Wilkinson, but since he worked mostly as a restorer, his instruments are very scarce, and seldom labelled.

This violin is very competently based on the work of Giovanni Baptista Guadagnini, reflecting his earliest period from 1741 to 1749 when he was active in the city of Piacenza. As a twentieth-century copy it strongly resembles both the work of the Voller Brothers and consciously that of Carlo Bisiach in Milan whose instruments were imported into the London trade at the time.

The violin is almost certainly by Thomas Jacques Holder himself. His Thomas James Holder made some to the same pattern. This suggests that it was made towards the end of the Holder’s time in London.

See certificate by Benjamin Hebbert :

Thomas Jacques Holder certificate

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