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Allan & Wendy Betts

We would like to let you know how delighted we are with our violas by Don Tatem. Wendy bought her instrument form Cardiff Violins in June 2004. It bears the name “ANNOWRE”, No 291 and is dated 1990 and has a full, rounded, smooth tone. The back-length is 15.5 inches.

When I needed to change my own viola a few months ago, I tried out a number of instruments from Cardiff Violins at home and settled on another instrument by Don Tatem which I purchased in September 2011. This viola is No 427, dated 1998, and the label bears the name “JOANNA” The back-length is 15.75 inches. Since I acquired my viola we have played about six concerts, and at innumerable rehearsals, with two busy local orchestras. I am equally delighted with the sound produced with my own instrument, having been Wendy’s desk-partner, and admired her powerful smooth tone for years.

We would not hesitate to recommend Don’s instruments to anyone. Try one and see. We cannot praise the beautiful sound and appearance of Don Tatem’s instruments highly enough, and on our recommendation, an orchestral friend has recently bought a Tatem violin, with which she is very happy.
Our thanks and best wishes are due to all at Cardiff Violins who have been so considerate and obliging when we have wished to try out instruments.