When we started looking for a full sized violin early this year, I had already had quite a strong idea of how the violin should sing and sound. I also had to consider the comfort and ease of playing. It wasn’t an easy task to find ‘the one’! After a long and extensive search in London, my mum decided to travel to Cardiff after hearing good things about Cardiff Violins. The journey took us four hours one way. But we thought it would be worth it. And we were right. Here in Cardiff, after four hours journey, I met Patrick’s violin. It was one of the first few I tried on the day and I kept coming back to it every time I played other violins. I was drawn to the pure brightness and warm depth in the sound – it was my dream combination.
Since then Patrick’s violin has been with me and it took me through North London Festivals, ABRSM grade 8, The Yehudi Menuhin School audition, RCMJD U12 competition, NCO U11 summer camp and NCO U12 audition, as well as a few solos, quartet and orchestra performances for various concerts. When I played to audiences, I was often asked about the violin and received compliments about the sound I produced with it. These kind of comments really gave me a big smile.
I call the violin ‘my Patrick’, because it’s one of many violins Patrick made but only one that belongs to me.
I am now studying violin as my first study at The Yehudi Menuhin School. I have just done my first lunchtime concert and assessment, which was a massive challenge each time. But I know they are just the beginning, and I am so excited just to think of all the new challenges and learning I will be facing, and I am so grateful that I have my Patrick with me, going through all the exciting experiences together. It is like my musical partner. I feel very privileged.